Aaron Kinnard
Artist Statement
Art imitates life. I find my life filled with humor and amusement. My art reflects my life, resulting in works that focus mostly on humor. Most of my art revolves around audio. By utilizing auditory elements to tell a story, I’m able to craft a narrative around my strengths. Sound is the medium, humor tells the story. I am very passionate about history and science fiction. Along with humor, I attempt to insert historical and fantasy elements into my work whenever I can.
Art without passion and purpose leaves the artist feeling empty and I always strive for my work to have meaning. I try to mix my passions together in my art, usually through taking some historical or science fiction related work, and presenting it in a humorous way. This not only makes it more interesting, but also elicits a positive reaction from the audience. Humor makes me happy, and I want to be able to share that happiness with the world through my work.
Email: APK180002@utdallas.edu
Portfolio: https://aaronpkinnard.myportfolio.com/